Aug 21, 2008


Here is a new way to play it....chek this video:

From little things, big things grow- Paul Kelly


Find little ways to learn about nature, explore them regularly, then gradually introduce more involved activities. Little ways can gradually become profound, for example:
Find a special spot in nature, near your house, and visit it each day
care for the place little by little, taking actions to facilitate the natural ecosystem .

Gradually remove barriers between your life and nature (e.g., open the windows more often, spend more time outside, use less electricity)
eat more fresh food .
Grow your own vegetables
Calculate your personal ecological footprint - if the average American consumes 1 million pounds of materials per year (Hawken, et al, 1999), how much do you consume?

As your sensitivity to nature develops, explore more indepth interactions, e.g.,:
nature meditations and visualizations ।

Creating an organic or permaculture garden system ।

Spend time with an indigenous or environmental "elder"

Get off the grid and switch to solar power ।

Build your own simple dwelling from recycled materials ।

Why do we spend all the time, fuel, energy, etc। going on outdoor camping trips? Most of the benefits of camping (plus some extra ones) could be obtained by families sleeping in their backyards. (If you don’t have a backyard, try the balcony, roof or a friend’s or neighbor’s place).

Sleep in your backyard for at least a week each year. Cook on a fire (or a stove if fires aren’t permitted), eat home-grown vegetables, don’t watch TV or use power or the telephone. Stay on your property, but don’t use the house. Really live in your backyard and get to know and care for it. It might change your life forever – and will cost less than your everyday life.

Aug 13, 2008

क्या डरना भय से?

मनुष्य जन्म से ही डरपोक है। जब वह दुनिया को नहीं समझता , कुछ भी नहीं बोल पाता तब भी वह डरता है. कुछ और बड़ा हो जाने पर माँ-बाप की डांट या फिर मार का भय , फिर स्कूल में अध्यापक का भय ,सहपाठियों द्वारा हास्य का पात्र बनने के भय , कक्षा में फ़ेल हो जाने का भय ,दंड का भय आदि . आयु बढने के साथ विभिन्न प्रकार के भय मनुष्य को घेर लेते है.जैसे मृत्यु का भय , संपत्ति खो जाने का भय , ज़मीन -जायदाद के छिन्न जाने का भय, अपने प्रिय से दूर हो जाने का भय , समाज में सम्मान खो जाने का भय आदि .इसके अतिरिक्त विभिन्न प्रकार की चीजों या जीवों से भय लगभग सभी मनुष्यों की प्रविर्ती में आता है. किसी को शेर से भय लगता है तो किसी को अंधेरे से ; कोई साँप से भय खाता है तो कोई अकेलेपन से। अंतत यहाँ यह कहना अनुचित नही होगा कि मनुष्य का पूरा जीवन किसी न किसी भय से हर समय पीड़ित रहता है.
वे व्यक्ति जोकि यह धारणा रखते है या यह दावा करते है कि उन्हें किसी प्रकार का कोई भय नही है, निराधार है क्योंकि यदि वे किसी भौतिक चीज़ से नही डरते तो भी वे मानसिक तौर पर किसी न किसी विचार से भयभीत होंगे। यदि एक सैनिक की बात करें जिसे पूरे ट्रेनिंग के दौरान निर्भय होने का पाठ पढाया जाता है किसी न किसी प्रकार के भय से ग्रस्त हो सकता है.एक आंतकवादी जोकि, आत्मदाह करके कई निर्दोष व्यक्तियों की जान लेने को तत्पर हो, क्या उसके मन में किसी प्रकार का भय नही होगा.

यहाँ यह मान लेना अत्यंत आवश्यक है कि सभी मनुष्य तथा अन्य जीव अपना जीवन ज्ञात अथवा अज्ञात भय में व्यतीत करते है। और हो भी क्यों न. भय हमारे जीवन की अन्य संवेदनाऐं जैसे कि भूख,हसना, रोना प्यास आदि की भांति ही है. परन्तु भय एक सीमा के भीतर ही रहे तो अच्छा है. यदि यह सीमा लाँघ जाए तो न केवल हमारी देह बल्कि हमारा पूरा वक्तित्व ही प्रभवित कर सकता है. हर डर की एक सीमा तय की जानी चाहिए और यह सीमा हमें ख़ुद ही तय करनी होगी.
किसी भी प्रकार का भय , यदि हमारी प्रगति के रास्ते में आता है तो उसका सामना करके उसे दूर भागने या फिर उसे मार डालने में ही भलाई है। यदि कोई छिपकली से डरता है और यह डर उसके दिलोदिमाग पर हावी है तो अच्छा होगा की वह व्यक्ति अपने आप से पूछे कि ऐसा क्या है छिपकली में जिससे कि वह भयभीत हो रहा है. छिपकली उसे क्या नुक्सान पहुँचा रही है? अक्सर ऐसा होता है कि हमें किसी चीज़ से भय होता है जोकि हमे लिए हानिप्रद नहीं होती. वह डर केवल हमरे मस्तिशिक में है.
यदि वह हानिप्रद है भी तो भी हमें उसका सामना करना चाहिए।

इस प्रकार डर की आँखों में ऑंखें ढाल कर देखें कि स्वयं भय भी भयभीत हो जाए . डर से दूर भागने से डर से निपटा नही जा सकता. इसके लिए कमर कस कर डर का साक्षात्कार करना ही उचित है. यही एकमात्र तरीका है जिससे डर से छुटकारा पाया जा सकता है अन्यथा हम जीवनभर भय से भागते रहेंगे.
हाँ यह चर्चा करना भी महत्वपूर्ण है कि भय लाभप्रद भी है यह मनुष्य को दुष्कर्मो की और जाने से रोकता है , प्रकर्ति के नियमों का उलंघन करने से रोकता है तथा समाज के नियमों में बंधकर जीवन वहन करने कि प्रेरणा देता है. यह भय ही तो है जोकि अधर्म की राह पर जाने से रोकता है. अंत भय लाभप्रद भी है .यह हमें ही निर्णय करना है कि वह हमारे जीवन को सकारात्मक दिशा में ले जा रहा है या नकारात्मक दिशा में- यह हमें ही तय करना है.

Aug 12, 2008


God has given us world to conserve, not to consume.
-Savneet "Kranti Sambhav"


आत्मा व देह अलग नही है। आत्मा का वह भाग जो दिखता है वह देह है और देह का वह भाग जो नही दिखता वह आत्मा है।
--भगवान श्री कृष्ण


'KRANTI' - The revolution comes from within the heart, thus it finds its way from inside to the outer world.
--Savneet "Kranti Sambhav"

Aug 8, 2008


Check whether you are on the way of becoming a winner or not. Read the following questions and give yourself 10 points for every right mark in "always" column, 5 point in "usually" column and zero in "seldom".

SNo.Questions Always Usually Seldom
1I give every task my best effort.   
2I see problems as opportunities.   
3I keep my body and energy level high through rest and balanced diet.   
4I learn from my mistakes and failures rather than getting discouraged.   
5I operate with complete honesty, integrity and sincerity.   
6I welcome new ideas and challenges.   
7I always take all the circumstances positively.   
8I accept responsibilities cheerfully.   
9I concentrate on goals rather than on other activities.   
10I take decisions quickly and act with determination.   
11I believe in teamwork.   
12I have strong trust in God, others and myself.   
13I avoid emotions like worry, pettiness and personal grudges.   
14I am flexible and tolerant of the views of other people.   
15I confront all fears with personal courage.   

Now, find out where are you on your way :
  1. 130 to 150 points- You are on the way to become a winner.
  2. 120 to 129 points- You have some winning ways but definitely need to improve.
  3. 100 to 119 points- you attitude is average and need to work hard on your way to become a winner.
  4. Less than 100- Need strong efforts to become a passenger on the path of victory.


In budget 2008, the UPA government has announced farm waiver scheme worth Rs. 72,000 crore. According to the finance minister Mr. P. Chidambaram India’s one trillion economy can afford to bear this burden of farm loan waiver. In the statement released after the budget session, FM clarified that there was a compelling need to go for a one-time measure to write off loans of smallest and poorest farmers of India.

The scheme waived institutional farm loan worth Rs.71,680 crore meant for almost 4.5 crore small and marginal farmers with less than 2 hectares(ha) of land. The waiver was valid for defaulters unable to pay off loans taken after March 31, 1997. The cut off date is till March 2008 and the scheme is extended to fisher folk, dairy and poultry farmers. It has been extended that over 40 million indebted Indian farmers have begun to get some financial relief as the massive loan waiver scheme.

But, the question here is that the government’s populist measure to win over farmers’ has achieved the aim for what it was meant? The answer seems to be more on the side of NO.

Relief measures are not having desired effects as we can still have reports of suicides even after implementation of the debt relief package. In recent times the futility of measures like interest waiver and loan repayment rescheduling has been manifested in Vidarbha and other areas affected by farmers’ suicides. The number increased to 1414 during 2006-07.

It has helped farmers those have taken loans from banks only. It doesn’t address the bigger issue of farmers, indebtness to moneylenders. The farmers have taken money from local money lenders to pay back their loans before due date. These money lenders charge usurious interest rates which may be as high as 30% as compared to government’s 3% only. The grip of moneylenders is as it is on many farmers. This is largely because private money lenders who supplement the loans of even those farmers are covered under the intuitional credit system have continued to harass them for the settlement of their dues.

Moreover, farmers those were honest enough to pay their loans back even by going out of way before the scheme was announced ,are regretting. Some even borrowed money for non –agricultural purposes like marriage etc, are enjoying the waiver.

In addition to all these farmers are facing certain other difficulties as well. The government announced that the list of farmers eligible for waiver was supposed to be put outside the banks by 30th June. But, various banks haven’t put up any list as yet. When farmers approached them, banks couldn’t give any concrete response. Adding to the problems, those who have displayed the list, have made it in English, with misspelled names, more than one same name, wrong account number etc.

All these glitches are giving touts, those who are helping farmers, to do bank work, an opportunity to make money from illiterate farmers. Banks are not doing their work in time and in organized way. Redressal officers are missing from the banks making the situation even worse.
The need of the hour is agricultural renewal altogether along with productivity improvement. Farmers need source of income. This is possible only by having structural changes, which not only regulate agriculture but also pay right remuneration for their efforts they put in fields. The subsidies given for drip irrigation and fertilizers are not reaching farmers but going in the hands of middleman and concerned companies. So policies and legislations whatever are, should benefit the farmers, who need it most

Aug 7, 2008

Plastics –In our web of life

“Plastic touched more lives than any other technological advancement breakthrough. It has replaced old and familiar things”. Plastic has become a sleek symbol of modernity and advancement of technology. It is light, durable, strong and molded material. After invention of plastic, heavier wooden or glass home and office furnishing gave way to light, colored, sleek and strong plastic utilities. It occupies a very important place in almost all walks of life.

Plastic word comes from a Greek word “plastikos”, which means, “fit for molding”. It may be synthetic or semi- synthetic material, which is a polymerization product. Of the leading petrochemical products by the Indian petrochemical companies, polymers comprise of nearly 70% of it. India’s reserve of crude oil in 2000-01 were 703 (million tones) which became 756(million tones).

Plastic refers to polymer, which is made from many monomers chemically combined together. Variety in combination of monomer and their constituents lead to the formation of different properties. Although the basic make up of all monomers constitutes is carbon and hydrogen only but the kind of bond and presence of other elements brings difference in the properties and characteristics of plastics. For example, Teflon contains Fluorine, Polyvinyl Chloride i.e. PVC contains Chlorine, Nylon contains Nitrogen etc. the polymers are the basic building material of all plastics but without certain additives they would be useless . these additives give them inherent qulalities , desired physical properties like flexibility , color, strength ,durability, sleekness, plasticity etc. Additives may include colourants for Styrofoam or Thermocol, plasticisers etc.

In the table given below you can find various kinds of plastics and their utility in everyday life.

SNo Chemical name Typical use
1.PolysytreneDisposable foamy plastic cups, Plastic stirrers, plates, thermocol chips and sheets which are used for packaging delicate products, cassettes.
2.PVC(Polyvinyl Chloride)Shoe soles, Teethers for babies, Flexible toys, Pipes, Tubing, Medical disposable like blood and plasma transfusion bags, Shower curtains
3.Polyethylene-Terephthalate (PET)Bottle jars
4.Polyethylene (PE)Carry bags or polybags, Pouches for packaging milk, oil etc., Buckets, bowls, cups, plates etc. sacks for packing cements, fertilizers, Bottles, canes
5.Polycarbonate(PC)Baby feeding bottles, Large water bottles which are refilllers used over dispensers, Lenses, Flasks used in autoclaving
6.Polyurethane(PU)PU foam which is used cushionng in mattress, Pillow etc., Rigid PU foam which is used as insulation and refrigeration
7.Polypropylene(PP)Packaging eatables like wafers, Luggage, Textile cones, Bobbins

There are numerous other kinds of plastics now available n many more are being invented but plastic being durable hardly get degraded and therefore degrade the environment and posing serious threat to the ecology around.

Plastic-Comfort or Destruction
Plastics are used in many spheres of life. It has made our lives very much comfortable and convenient but at the cost of choking our drains, rivers, seas, using oil reserves at a fast pace, threatening lives of human beings and animals, causing intense damage to ecosystems, depleting resources and creating ever increasing pollution because of its non –biodegradable nature. Plastic, which is a petroleum based product is made by the process of polymerization where many monomers combine to form polymers. Many of the monomers that make up plastic are carcinogenic, mutagenic and disruptive in many ways.

Various harmful effects of plastics are discussed below:

Harmful effects of plastic on Ecosystem

  • Plastic being non- biodegradable, accumulate in ecosystem. From here, they leach toxins, which contaminate the ground water.
  • Burning of plastics release toxic gases.
  • They take a journey down the drains, sewage lines and streams and choke them .
  • Burning of PVC release an acidic gas, toxic dioxins and other organo-chlorides (HCl). HCl combines with moisture to form hydrochloric acid which cause serious burns.
  • During incineration and burning of PVC heavy metals like Lead, Cadmimum, Tin, Barium and Zinc are used which are harmful for ecosystem and health of human and animals.

Harmful effects of plastic on health of human beings and animals

  • Additives those are added to plastics so as to have desired physical properties, are poorly bonded with polymers. They leach out and enter human body when chewed on teether or used as tubes in hospitals.
  • They find way in digestive system of animals and pose serious health hazards.
  • During production of Styrene harmful chemicals like benzene, 1,3-butadine, carbon tetrachloride are released which are carcinogens. Chromium (IV) oxide released produces both cancer and is mutagenic. The workers show elevated rate of cancer, irritation to eyes, nose and throat, dizziness and unconsciousness.
  • PVC dust leads to an increased incidence of lung tumors, gastric and gastrointestinal cancer. Solvent from PVC, which is, Tetrahydrofuran cause irritation of eyes, nose, respiratory tract, headache, dizziness and potential damage to central nervous system, liver and kidney.
  • PVC has plasticisers, which have a tendency to migrate into food wrapped in PVC plastic.
  • PVC flooring releases particularly high concentration of plasticiser and contributes to the ‘sick building syndrome’ commonly reported in modern office blocks.
  • PET releases acetaldehyde into the products like water, oil, juice etc in it. This leads to the production of toxins.
  • PE contains Lead and Cadmium as additive, which are very toxic. Lead is known as neurotoxin, which cause depression of central nervous system, unconsciousness, respiratory arrest, heart attack etc.
  • PU production has resulted in occupational health problems. It creates hazardous by-products including Iso-cynates, Diamines and ozone depleting gases like Methylene chloride and CFCs.
  • PE is highly inflammable material of its own. Heavy metal powders are used as fillers, which leach into the soil and groundwater contamination.

Plastic waste- A problem itself

India is instant trash yard for plastic waste. India has been a popular destination for waste plastic. India has imported 61,000 tones of plastic waste in the year 2000. Some of the imported plastic is simply thrown away or burned. A good fraction is recycled and enters Indian market as consumer good. The products, thus formed are cheap because the waste plastic is inexpensive and recycling is undertaken in small units which is not at all safe for workers as well as for environment.

Thus, it can be easily concluded that harmful effects of plastics cannot only be observed during production and use but also after disposing off.

Aug 4, 2008


It is rare to be born as a human being
It is still more rare to be born without any deformity

Even if you are born with any deformity
It is rare to acquire knowledge and education

Even if one could acquire knowledge and education
It is still rare to be offerings and tapas

But for one who does offerings and tapas
The doors of heaven open to greet him.

-- A Tamil Poem composed 1,000 years ago by Awaiyars

Aug 1, 2008


You will be certainly agree with me if I say that the hardest thing for all of us is to look within ourselves and say how really we feel about ourselves। Our inner force of self esteem is responsible for success and happiness in our life. It forms core of our personality. It shpes our choice of mate, career, friends etc. Our self image also determines things like attitude towards others , our actions and reactions, success , happiness , values and many other things.

But, it should be kept in mind that a positive self image is not self centerdness, It is neither looking down our noses at other people nor it is smug selg satisfication.

Let us undersatnd what is a POSITIVE SELF IMAGE:

Brain Based Learning

Neuroplasticity is ability of our brain to change and restructure itself which enables us to learn and adapt. This enables our brain to make...