Jul 31, 2008

परमात्मा क्या है

परमात्मा जिसका अभिप्राय है "परम आत्मा" , वह आत्मा जिसका कोई रूप, कोई रंग, कोई आकृति नहीं है , पर हाँ अस्तितिव है. उसका अस्तितिव हमारे अस्तित्व से कहीं ऊपर है या कुछ यूँ कहें कि उसके अस्तितिव के कारण ही हमारा , इस सृष्टि के हर जीव का अस्तिव है. यदि हम इस संसार के भ्रमण पर निकलें तो पाएंगे कि जगह - जगह , देश -देश, राज्य-राज्य , शहर-शहर परमात्मा का पूजनीय रूप भिन्न-भिन्न है. परमात्मा के नाम, पूजा करने के तरीका , सभी कुछ भिन्न है।

भगवान राम की जिस रूप भारत में पूजा की जाती है वह थाईलैंड , मलयेशिया , म्यांमार , कम्बोडिया और विएतनाम के लोगों के राम उससे थोड़े भिन्न है। इसीप्रकार भगवान कृष्ण की विभिन्न रूपों की पूजा की जाती है. यदि विचार किया जाए तो पाएंगे कि परमात्मा के जिस रूप की पूजा कि जाती है , वह वहां के रहने वाले लोगों की वेशभूषा .चाल ढाल , सजने सवरने के तरीके के अनुरूप ही होता है.

मनुष्य की आदत है कि वह परमात्मा को अपने जैसा ही देखना चाहता है। वह परमात्मा का वही रूप देखता है जोकि उसके तथा समाज, जिसमे वह रह रहा है ,उसी की भांति हो। अब चूँकि वह परमात्मा है तो उसे एक सुंदर सूरत तथा आकर्षक वेशभूषा पहने हुए ही प्रस्तुत किया जाता है. मन्दिर जाकर देखें तो पाएंगे कि भगवन राम को , माता सीता को , श्री कृष्ण को तथा अन्य मूर्तियों की सभी प्रकार के जवाहरात व आकर्षक कपडों से लदा हुआ देख जा सकता है. परन्तु क्या यह विचार हमारे मन में कभी नहीं आता कि यदि परमात्मा साक्षात मन्दिर में दर्शन दे दें तो क्या वे अपने अमूल्य जवाहरात गरीबों तथा भूखों को नहो दे देंगे. क्या वे इन बेशकीमती चीजों का त्याग नहीं कर देंगे. परमात्मा का यह भव्य तथा अति सुंदर रूप समाज के अमीर व सम्पतिवान ठेकेदारों ने दिया है. परमात्मा का यह रूप उसे गरोबों से दूर कर देता है और इसी कारण गरीब आदमी परमात्मा को ख़ुद से दूर व अपनी पहुँच से ऊपर देखता है।

परन्तु यह स्मरण रहे कि परमात्मा का कोई एक रूप नहीं है, न ही कोई रंग है और न ही वेशभूषा है. वह तो निरंकार है, निर्विकार है . परमात्मा एक शक्ति है , एक उर्जा है और एक एहसास है. वह कहीं बाहर नहीं है, किसी मन्दिर, चर्च या मस्जिद में नहीं मिलेगा. अपने अंदर ही यदि खोजें तो आसानी से मिल जाएगा.

यह राग सुन कर आप परमात्मा को अपने आस पास ही पाएंगे :

Jul 29, 2008

विवेक और विचार - भारत की आवश्यकता

हमारे देश विश्व के महानतम देशों की श्रेणी में निसंशय एक महत्वपूर्ण स्थान पर आता है. परन्तु कुछ बातें हैं जिनके कारण भारत अन्य विकसित देशों से पीछे है. उनमे से एक अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण कारण है कि प्रतीभा रूपी ज़मीन सालों से बंजर पड़ी है. इसका कारण है इसमे नवीनतम विचार रूपी बीजों की अनुपस्थिति . भारत को आज जिस चीज़ की सबसे अधिक आवश्कता है , वह है, विचारों की क्रांति. हम अधिकतर भारतीय विचार करने का श्रम नही करते. जो पुरखों ने कहा बस मान लिया, बिना विचार किए.
हम जानते है कि संदेह होने कि स्थिति में विचार उत्पन्न होते है. यदि विचार होंगे तो हम प्रयोग करके देखेंगे कि जो विचार किया गया है वह सत्य है या असत्य है. अर्थात यदि हम विचार करने का श्रम करेंगे तो सत्य के निकट पहुंचेगे .ध्यान रहे सत्य ही परमात्मा तक पहुंचने का साधन है. अब यह सत्य तक पहुंचने के लिए श्रम की, कार्य करने की प्रेरणा विचारों से मिलती है हमें याद रखना चाहिए कि विज्ञान तथा दार्शिनिकी का जन्म मस्तिषिक में उपजे विचारों , सवालो तथा संदेहों के कारण ही हुआ है.
सत्य, जिसकी खोज हमने स्वयं अपने विवेक की है वह हमें पुरुषार्थ कि ओर ले जाता है. यह हमें भविष्य में विकास की नई उंचाई तक ले जाता है. इन उंचाईओं को हम श्रम द्वारा ही पा सकते है। हमें अपने मस्तिष्क , सोचने समझने की शक्ति का प्रयोग करना पढता है. केवल पूंछ पकड़ कर पीछे चलने वाले सत्य को नही पा सकते। आँखों पर विश्वास , अन्धविश्वास की पट्टी बांधकर हम दूसरों द्वारा का अनुगमन करने से सत्य की प्राप्ति नही कर सकते . अपनी बुधि का उपयोग, अपने विवेक का उपयोग करने पर ही हम दूसरों की कही बात पर संदेह करना सीखेंगे , विचार करना सीखेंगें , शिक्षक विद्लयों में कहते है " जैसा कहा जाता है वैसा करो ". "जो हमने कहा वह मानो"।

घर में भी बच्चों को बचपन से यही शिक्षा दी जाती है , ऐसा कहकर हम उनकी बुधि को पंगु बना देते है और धीरे धीरे उसपर ज़ंग लगना शुरू हो जाता है. केवल आयु में बड़ा होना सही होने की कसौटी नही है. सत्य की कसौटी है विचार करना , तर्क करना , प्रयोग करना, परन्तु यहाँ एक महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है कि पुरखों , बड़ों की अवमानना एवं अनादर करना तर्क करने से एकदम भिन्न है।

विचार करने से ही विवेक का जन्म होता है और यह विवेक हमें अपने जीवन के उतरदायित्व का निर्वाह करने में मदद करता है. किसी और के विवेक से फैसले लेने से अच्छा नही है कि हम अपने आप विचार करके , अंपने विवेक से काम ले और यदि ऐसा करते समय गलती हो भी जाए तो कम से कम हम यह जान सकें कि कमी कहाँ थी?

यह विचार न करने, संदेह न करने की ,प्रयोग न करने की प्रकृति के कारण ही भारतीय पुरुषार्थ के मार्ग खोकर भाग्यवादी बन कर ही रह गए है .श्रम का मार्ग छोड़कर, धर्म या किसी धर्मगुरु अथवा किसी सत्ताधारी के पीछे आँख बंद करके चलने से सत्य की प्राप्ति नहीं होगी.
उमर ख्याम की पंक्तियाँ द्वारा यह बात सिद्ध होती है:
प्रिये, आ बैठ मेरे पास ,
सुनो मत क्या कहते विद्वान ,
यहाँ निश्चित केवल यह बात
कि होता जीवन बस अपने हाथ।
--सवनीत "क्रांति संभव"


When I look back at the sunlit fields of my life
I find you running towards me
Your unforgettable face full of glee,

The old memories swept through my way
Taking along my present far away,

Into the irrecoverable past
Those delightful memories long last,

My life that you have loved and touched
That is why I say I miss you very much,

Listening to this mystic silence which can only be felt
M trying to deal with loneliness which cant be alone dealt,

My eyes and tears full of pain
Saying, promise you will never leave me again

- Savneet "Kranti Sambhav"

Jul 28, 2008


Human life is like a battle which is is fought uphill most of the times. In doing so, we face numerous difficulties. but, let me tell you that a battle won without a struggle is winning it without honour. So, if there were nothing to struggle for, there would be nothing to achieve as well.
Weak people or losers get scared and lose hope when they face difficulties। But,these didficulties must be taken as stimulii from which learning can be taken place in a positive direction. One must have winning desire so as to defeat all the difficulties.

There are few things those are required to have winner's attitude. The first and foremost important thing is to have a strong commitment to our life and talents in those areas in which we think,we are the best . While doing so, we should put Herculean Efforts to an overriding purpose. Emotions like fear, anxiety, depression, boredom, emptiness etc have no place. Winners do not bounce back from failures and defeat. Inner strength, devotion, motivation and efforts bring glory and best out of you which will take you to the victory.
Secondly, we should always strive to reach our full potential as a human being. We must live the best within us because the Divine has created us to realise our full potential hidden within us.
For reaching this we must enhance our abilities to think, reason, store, evalute and finally develope wisdom.
Being creative is another thing which helps us to create things and ideas in the most amazing and unique ways. Responding to the sensitivity that cries out for expression , us to be creative. Urge to create and improve hels us to grow more and more everyday.
Thirdly, a strong commitment is most required to achive the desired goal. For that we need to put in all what wehave and all that we are. Whatever we try to do in life, we should do it with heart as said by Charles Dickens. Enthusiasm, commitment, accepting challanges and working for betterment of humankind are the characteristics of winners. Winners always complete the task whatever the circumstance may be winners hardly bother about skeptics who try to ridicule and criticize.
So,I am ending with the words of Adlai E. Stevenson-" So live - decently, fearlessly, joyously and don't forget that in the long run it is not the years in your life but the life in your years that counts".

Jul 22, 2008


"Life is like a splendid torch which is held for short time so, we should make all efforts to make it burn as brightly as possible"
--Savneet 'Kranti Sambhav


"Blaming other people , system or cirumstances is the chracteristic of cowards; brave and self - reliants draw on their internal resourses to find solution."
--Savneet 'Kranti Sambhav'


"After harnessing the giant tides, uncontrolable winds and ever flowing water the day will come, when, we human beings, shall harness for God, who is the energy of love . In history, that day will be marked as the second time , when man will have discovered fire, the fire of love within.
-- "Savneet ' Kranti Sambhav'

Jul 14, 2008


Einstein once said that science without spirituality is lame and spirituality without science is blind. So, it is very evident that the marriage of science and spirituality is very much existing. Both are in search for truth. One searches for the physical world and other searches for the consciousness. The word consciousness comes from the Latin word "CON" meaning "with" and the word ‘SCIRE" meaning to know. Thus, consciousness means, "to know with". It can be called as self-awereness as well in simple terms. Consciousness is the ability to make observations of oneself. Its function is to improve the role of human beings in action control, learning, adaptation, problem solving, decision making, action control etc. It helps in planned actions and responses rather than instant ones. Spiritual growth is the evolution of consciousness.
The study of external world does not help us very much to understand what is beyond nature. Science can help in perfecting the physical, material and empirical world. It masters the external world. But life is not all the matter. It comprises also the spirit. The depth and the mystery of inner world can be mastered with spirituality. In order to have perfection of external and inner world science and spirituality have to meet, merge and become fellow.
But in today’s world the spiritual development of human beings has not kept a pace with progress of science. This has resulted in destabilization of humanity itself. There are many visible manifestations of this. Problems like shortage of natural resources, degradation of resources, ecological hazards,
pollution, imbalance in nature, threat of nuclear war etc. The list does not end here high crime rate, mental illness, corruption, increasing number of conflicts within people and other innumerable problems.
The man is in the search of happiness in the external world. Science and technology has, helped him to meet his desires outward with the help of modern equipments, gadgets, machinery and gizmos. Man has tamed the nature. He has won control over birth and death to a great extent using science and technology. But these have, without any doubt, given rise to aforesaid problems.
So, it can be concluded that science and technology used with compassion and understanding cannot only abolish the poverty, ignorance and other problems from the world but if combined with spirituality can help in the progress of soul and eternal happiness within. The current paradigm does not include consciousness of mind as fundamental reality. It seeks only external world.
In this infinite ocean of matter the grand idea of ally of science and spirituality can help in checking degeneration of character along with resolving endless issues existing in the world. Vivekanand said once "The more we handle material world using science , we may lose our whatever spirituality is left within us."
So, for the future of species, the ally of science and spirituality is crucial and utmost important and when our soul is roused to self-consciousness the Glory will come, Goodness will come, Purity will come in all over the world. As Shri Aurobindo said that discovery of self consciousness is of great practical significance of the world that the discoveries of Copernicus and Newton.

The MoSt CoMpLiCaTeD watches..............

Have a glance at this simple luking watch... Tell the time its showin...???

No prob..here is the solution...

Another complex watch.....but b'ful one.....

So wht is it saying..?????

Find out how it works.........

Another chichi watch.......

Very complicated.....

Find out how it works??!!!

Luk at the sophistication here..OFFFF....

Last n very dificult one.

Jul 11, 2008


Mind is most powerful and precious tool, which has to be kept in proper shape. We live through our mind in this world. All possessions and assets are meaningless if we don’t posses a healthy mind. Healthy mind in a healthy body is required for a satisfying and happy life. Mind is like an old horse which has to be exercised if we want it to work in order, recommends John Adams. Mind has to be kept afresh otherwise it will not function properly.

People do exercise like aerobics, yoga, jogging, swimming etc. .People in this busy world have got inspired and have realized to keep their body fit through external agents like VLCC an swami Ram dev. They spend thousand of bucks in slimming centers going there in the early morning or even in late evenings. They buy expensive “ low cal “ food, buy expensive equipments to keep their body in shape and look beautiful and presentable. But very little effort is put in looking after their mental faculties. They never care to know that their mental health has strong effect on our physical health.

We human beings are generally assured that our mental powers are always best. We think that our mind is always right. We are presumptuous about our wisdom that we never think of improving and reconsidering our own mental powers. Each human mind has a unique way of perceiving things. Everyone develops his/her own way of looking at things. And develop perception about it. This process starts from childhood. When we grow up, our mind gets a filter. It sees things and allow the things only which conform to our way of thinking which we have developed over the years. We don’t accept new ideas and thoughts, which are not in the conformity with our existing mental faculties. Our mind is dominated by many things like:
Ego: It does not allow us to acknowledge positive points of others. We generally try to find faults in others because of this ego.

Fear: It threatens our mind that if we are not going to be accepted in the world , then our power to think rationally may be lost.

Insecurity: We feel insecured that new ideas may have negative changes in our lives.

Hesitant to accept changes: Our mind hesitates to accept challenges thinking of being failed at some time.

Lack of courage: We are happy as the things are going on. We lack courage to try out new ideas thinking of their consequences.

Fear of being unsuccessful: Our mind lacks confidence and thus always has a fear of being unsuccessful. This lack of confidence is because we have a close mind.

Negative thinking: Most of the negative thinkers generally find faults in others. They criticize others and find almost everything boring. They don’t admire other people and thus, they themselves decay.

All above said, are the ways which don’t allow human beings to be open minded, clear-headed and successful. Positive orientation and zest for happy life is utmost important. For this we need to have a refreshed mind, which not only fills our life with hope and happiness but also enthusiasm.

Keep in mind following points to have a refreshed and healthy mind-

Take care of your mind as you look after your body, home, property, business and other assets. The secret of self victory is open-mindedness
Keep aside emotions like ego, fear, negative attitude towards new thoughts and ideas.
Expose yourself to new ideas and thoughts, people and places.
Read good and encouraging books.
Develop writing habit. It will help you to go deeper and have clear understanding. Writing will challenge your mental faculties to think more and more.
Accept positive points of others and learn to accept faults in your own self.Never conceited enough to think that you need no improvement.



Jul 9, 2008


Soils are made up of four basic components: minerals, air, water, and organic matter. In most soils, minerals represent around 45% of the total volume, water and air about 25% each, and organic matter from 2% to 5%. The mineral portion consists of three distinct particle sizes classified as sand, silt, or clay. Sand is the largest particle that can be considered soil. Soil is the basis of farming. It delivers water and nutrients to crops, physically supports plants, helps control pests, determines where rainfall goes after it hits the earth, and protects the quality of drinking water, air, and wildlife habitat. It delivers water and nutrients to crops, physically supports plants, helps control pests, determines where rainfall goes after it hits the earth, and protects the quality of drinking water, air, and wildlife habitat.

Ideal soil condition:
Good soil condition and adequate fertility are basic to sustainable and organic agriculture. An ideal soil should:
1. be well drained,
2. have a deep rooting zone,
3. be easily penetrated by air, water, and roots,
4. have a good water-holding capacity,
5. have a balanced nutrient supply, and
6. resist erosion

Bio fertilizers are inputs containing efficient strains of specific micro- organisms which are capable of mobilizing nutritive elements required for the plants by fixing atmospheric nitrogen, solubilising and enhancing up take of soil phosphorus and stimulating plant growth through synthesis of growth promoting substances
Biofertilizers make nutrients that are naturally abundant in soil or atmosphere usable for plants. Field studies have demonstrated them to be effective and cheap inputs, free from the environmentally adverse implications that chemicals have. Biofertilizers offer a new technology to Indian agriculture holding a promise to balance many of the shortcomings of the conventional chemical based technology. It is a product that is likely to be commercially promising in the long run once information becomes available adequately to producers and farmers through experience and communication. There is an ongoing attempt to promote biofertilizer in Indian agriculture through public intervention, and in keeping with the spirit of the times, the policy motivates private sector and profit motive to propel the new technology. .Government of India and the various State Governments have been promoting the nascent biofertilizer market both at the level of the user-farmer and the producer-investor

Types Of Bio Fertilizers

· Nitrogen fixers
· Phosphate solubilisers

Advantages of bio fertilizers
· harnesses atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available directly to
· the plants
· Increases phosphorus uptake by solubilising and releasing unavailable
· Phosphorus.
· Enhances root proliferation due to release of growth promoting harmones
· Increases the crop yields by 10 - 25 %.
· Improves soil properties and sustain soil fertility.
· Are cost effective and environment friendly. Benefit to cost ratio of Bio-fertilizers is fairly high


A variety of environmental problems now affect our entire world. As globalization continues and the earth's natural processes transform local problems into international issues, few societies are being left untouched by major environmental problems.
Some of the largest problems now affecting the world are Acid Rain, Air Pollution, Global Warming, Hazardous Waste,, Ozone Depletion, Smog, Water Pollution, Overpopulation, and Rain Forest Destruction. Etc.
Every environmental problem has causes, numerous effects,some of these problems have been discussed here.

Acid rain
The term acid rain refers to what scientists call acid deposition. It is caused by airborne acidic pollutants and has highly destructive results. Scientists first discovered acid rain in 1852, when the English chemist Robert Agnus invented the term. From then until now, acid rain has been an issue of intense debate among scientists and policy makers.
Acid rain, one of the most important environmental problems of all, cannot be seen. The invisible gases that cause acid rain usually come from automobiles or coal-burning power plants. Acid rain moves easily, affecting locations far beyond those that let out the pollution. As a result, this global pollution issue causes great debates between countries that fight over polluting each other's environments.
For years, science studied the true causes of acid rain. Some scientists concluded that human production was primarily responsible, while others cited natural causes as well. Recently, more intensive research has been done so that countries have the information they need to prevent acid rain and its dangerous effects. The levels of acid rain vary from region to region. In Third World nations without pollution restrictions, acid rain tends to be very high. In Eastern Europe, China, and the Soviet Union, acid rain levels have also risen greatly. However, because acid rain can move about so easily, the problem is definitely a global one.

Cause of acid rain
For many years, there was considerable debate and disagreement over what caused acid rain. Recent scientific work, however, has helped to clarify this .
The primary causes of acid rain are sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. These chemicals are released by certain industrial processes, and as a result, the more industrialized nations of Europe as well as the US suffer severely from acid rain.
Most sulphur dioxide comes from power plants that use coal as their fuel. These plants emit 100 million tons of sulfur dioxide, 70% of that in the world. automobiles produce about half of the world's nitrogen oxide. As the number of automobiles in use increases, so does the amount of acid rain. Power plants that burn fossil fuels also contribute significantly to nitrogen oxide emission.
Though human causes are primarily responsible for acid rain, natural causes exist as well. Fires, volcanic eruptions, bacterial decomposition, and lightening also greatly increase the amount of nitrogen oxide on the planet. However, even the gigantic explosion of Mt. St. Helens released only about what one coal power plant emits in a year.
Once the tiny pollutant molecules have entered the atmosphere, they can travel for thousands of miles. Eventually, the particles will combine with other compounds to produce new, often harmful, chemicals. Acid rain comes down to the earth in the form of rain, snow, hail, fog, frost, or dew. Once it reaches the ground, the acidity in the substance can harm and even destroy both natural ecosystems and man-made products, such as car finishes.

Effects of acid rain
Acid rain is having harmful effects both on people and on the natural ecosystems of the world. Scientists today are convinced that acid rain is severe in many areas, and that it is having an adverse effect on the environments of those locations.
The problem of acid rain is rapidly spreading. Because it is mainly caused by industrial processes, automobiles, and power plants, those countries that are developed have the most severe acid rain problems. However, as the undeveloped nations begin to industrialize, acid rain will increase greatly.
Determining just how much the planet is being hurt by acid rain is very difficult because the ecosystems that it affects are so diverse and complex. Many ecosystems are affected by acid rain. Bodies of water, such as lakes and rivers, see many of their inhabitants die off due to rising acidity levels.
Acidic water also ruins plant nutrients, hurting plants' ability to survive and to give life to other organisms. Human-made products are also experiencing degradation from acid rain. Cars can lose their finishes, and outdoor statues are beginning to rust.
Acid rain's effects are destructive and long lasting. Though scientists have studied lakes, streams, and many other natural ecosystems to prove its negative effects, acid rain continues to be produced and is increasing in many parts of the world.

The chains of connection are crystal clear. Greenhouse gases are connected to energy production and consumption, which connects to the explosion of population and growth, which increases water shortages made worse by energy demands, practices of forest and agricultural management. These influence land erosion that increases flooding. Global warming intensifies weather, droughts and forest fires. The warming of polar regions affects ocean currents, their patterns, the conditions for all marine species.

Global warming
Global warming remains the most complex environmental problem of our time.On June 23, 1988, James Hansen, the director of the Goddard Institute at NASA, told the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources that global warming was a reality and that is was extremely dangerous.
Global warming, also known as the greenhouse effect, immediately received international attention. Scientists, environmentalists, and governments around the world took an interest in the subject. Global warming is called the greenhouse effect because the gases that are gathering above the earth make the planet comparable to a greenhouse. By trapping heat near the surface of the earth, the greenhouse effect is warming the planet and threatening the environment. The molecules responsible for this phenomenon are called greenhouse gases, i.e. water (H2O), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), and carbon dioxide (CO2) because they act like the glass in a greenhouse, trapping re-radiated energy. Without these gases most life on earth would not be possible, as the surface temperature of the earth would likely be about 60°F colder.
In essence, greenhouse gases act like an insulator or blanket above the earth, keeping the heat in. Increasing the concentration of these gases in the atmosphere increases the atmosphere's ability to block the escape of infrared radiation. In other words, the earth's insulator gets thicker. Therefore too great a concentration of greenhouse gases can have dramatic effects on climate and significant repercussions upon the world around us. Climates suitable for human existence do not exist simply above some minimum threshold level of greenhouse gas concentration, rather they exist within a finite window - a limited range of greenhouse gas concentrations that makes life as we know it possible.

In the 1800s, as the Industrial Revolution takes off, atmospheric CO2 concentrations begin an unprecedented upward climb, rising rapidly from 280 ppmv (parts per million by volume) in the early 1800s to a current level of 376 ppmv, 77 ppmv above the highest concentrations previously attained in the course of the preceding 400 thousand years.
Current fears stem largely from the fact that global warming is occurring at such a rapid pace. Models are predicting that over the next century, the global temperature will rise by several degrees.
Some scientists still do not think that the effects of global warming are as severe as some people say. They think that droughts, hurricanes, and floods often blamed on global warming might actually have other causes.
One major difficulty in studying global warming is the fact that weather data only exists for the last century and a half. As a result, understanding the present and predicting the future are very difficult.
Global warming has a variety of causes. One of the largest factors contributing to global warming is the general problem of overpopulation and its many effects.
The greater number of people consume more items which take more energy to make, they drive more cars, and create larger amounts of garbage. These factors all increase the global warming problem. Many different gases can increase the planet's temperature. The number of different products and human activities that contribute to global warming are so numerous that finding solutions to the problem is very difficult.
Using a refrigerator releases dangerous gases, turning on the lights requires energy from a power plant, and driving to work causes gas emissions from the car. Countless other normal activities lead to global warming.
Though having an atmosphere is important, the greenhouse effect may be making it excessively thick. The levels of gases covering the Earth have soared with industrialization, and developed countries now produce about 75% of greenhouse gases.
The most common gas is carbon dioxide, accounting for about 50% of all greenhouse gases. Other gases, including methane, CFCs, nitrogen oxides, and ozone, also contribute to forming the greenhouse layer. Because these gases are produced by so many important and common processes, limiting their production to prevent global warming will be difficult. Human beings are causing the release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to the atmosphere at rates much faster than the earth can cycle them. Fossil fuels - oil, coal, natural gas, and their derivatives - are formed through the compression of organic (once living) material for millions of years, and we are burning billions of tons of these fuels per year. Why is this disconcerting? Because the CO2 expelled into the atmosphere through these activities does not disappear immediately or even over the course of a year As population increases and Third World countries begin to use greater amounts of energy, the problem may expand rather than contract. To know just what the effects of global warming will be in the future is extremely difficult .Scientists predict the Earth will warm by 1.4 - 5.8C by 2100.
Most scientists blame - at least in part - increasing amounts of certain gases emitted by fossil fuel burning and other human activities source : BBC

Some scientists say global warming has already been going on for a while. Others say that we do not have enough information now to know for sure.
Despite the disagreements, most scientists are convinced that greenhouse gases are warming the Earth. What they are still trying to figure out is how quickly temperatures are rising, and what will happen as a result.
The climate changes that will result from global warming are extremely difficult to predict. The weather is determined by so many factors that it is often compared to chaos by scientists. Changing the temperature will likely have some effect on the planet's weather, but just what that effect will be is nearly impossible to predict.
If temperatures do indeed rise significantly, the most important result would be that some portion of the polar icecaps would melt, raising global sea levels.
The rise in sea levels would be disastrous for some places. Islands would disappear, meaning their millions of inhabitants would have to relocate. Flooding would occur along coastlines all over the world, displacing more people and ruining cropland.
In the case of major global warming and melted ice caps, some countries might simply cease to exist. Global warming, if uncontrolled, could cause a major catastrophe.
Certain laws and treaties are aimed at reducing the emission of pollutants that result in global warming. In 1988, the International Conference on the Changing Atmosphere drew scientists and decision makers from 48 countries.
Some policies could successfully reduce global warming. Raising fossil fuel, prices, taxing emissions, and encouraging people to take environmentally friendly action through such activities as planting trees will all help.
Because many problems leading to global warming are caused or contributed to by overpopulation, people are beginning to work to reduce family sizes. Family planning services actually help in the fight against global warming. Education is a key method of reducing the greenhouse effect. By teaching people about such things as deforestation, environmental activists hope to prevent the problems that ultimately lead to global warming

OZONE -The life force

OZONE -The life force

We know that our atmosphere has mainly four layers. The stratosphere extends from about 15 km to 50 km. In the stratosphere temperature increases with altitude, due to the absorption of UV light by oxygen and ozone. This creates a global "inversion layer" which impedes vertical motion into and within the stratosphere - since warmer air lies above colder air, convection is inhibited. The word "stratosphere" is related to the word "stratification" or layering. The stratosphere is often compared to the "troposphere", which is the atmosphere below about 15 km. The boundary - called the "tropopause" - between these regions is quite sharp, but its precise location varies between ~9 and ~18 km, depending upon latitude and season. The prefix "tropo" refers to change: the troposphere is the part of the atmosphere in which weather occurs. This results in rapid mixing of tropospheric air. Above the stratosphere lie the "mesosphere", ranging from ~50 to ~100 km, in which temperature decreases with altitude; the "thermosphere", ~100-400 km, in which temperature increases with altitude again, and the "exosphere", beyond ~400 km, which fades into the background of interplanetary space The density of the air in the atmosphere depends upon altitude, and in a complicated way because the temperature also varies with altitude.

Ozone is formed naturally in the upper stratosphere by shortwavelength ultraviolet radiation. Wavelengths less than ~240nanometers are absorbed by oxygen molecules (O2), which dissociate to give O atoms. The O atoms combine with other oxygen molecules to make ozone: O2 + hv -> O + O (wavelength <> O3

Ozone depletion
Concern has grown about depletion of the ozone layer - particularly the ozone 'hole' which has been detected over Antarctica in spring, and can spread as far as South America and the Falkland Islands. An ozone hole is established when a large percentage of ozone is destroyed. Ozone depletion over the Arctic is not as severe. Depletion has also been detected over northern Europe. The extent of depletion is seasonal and dependent on weather conditions. In 2003 the Antarctic hole reached record size - 28 million km2, after reducing in 2002. Damage to the ozone layer is attributed to pollutants from human activity - the main culprits are chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons. Scientists estimate that it will be 2050 before efforts to reduce CFCs etc in the stratosphere will pay off.

Ozone Depleters
CFCs and Halons

Man-made CFCs are the main cause of stratospheric ozone depletion. CFCs have a lifetime of about 20 to 100 years, and consequently one free chlorine atom from a CFC molecule can do a lot of damage, destroying ozone molecules for a long time. Although emissions of CFCs around the developed world have largely ceased due to international control agreements, the damage to the stratospheric ozone layer will continue for a number of years to come.CFCs have been used as propellants in aerosols, refrigeration, air conditioning, foam packaging and insulating materials. Halons are used in fire extinguishers. When they break down in the atmosphere, CFCs release chlorine (Cl) and halons release bromine (Br). Both of these gases destroy ozone, for example - Cl + O3 ¨ ClO + O2
- the chlorine monoxide then reacts with an oxygen atom, liberating the chlorine -
ClO + O ¨ Cl + O2
- which is then free to destroy another ozone molecule. Chlorine takes several years to reach the stratosphere, and remains there for many years. The pie chart below shows the uses of CFCs in various products before the 1987 Montreal Protocol, which required countries to phase out their usage to protect the ozone layer.

When it was confirmed that CFCs cause ozone destruction, manufacturers looked for alternatives. HCFCs were introduced as a CFC substitute. However, these also have ozone depleting properties. They do less damage in the long term, but act much more rapidly than CFCs.
Other ChemicalsThe industrial solvents carbon tetrachloride (used in medicines, pesticides and paints) and methyl chloroform (a cleaning solvent) are also ozone destroyers. Methyl bromide is a pesticide used to fumigate soils and stored crops and is produced naturally by seaweed. It releases bromine, which destroys up to 60 times as much ozone as CFCs and worldwide emissions are increasing by 5-6% a year.

Efforts to reduce production and use of these damaging chemicals will not have an immediate effect in restoring the ozone layer - in fact, ozone depletion may well increase before it improves as it takes time for gases released to reach the upper atmosphere. Scientists believe that ozone depleting gases have reached their limit in the upper atmosphere, but that it will take decades for concentrations to decline and the stratosphere to return to normal. Therefore it is crucial that nations stick to timetables for reduction in use agreed in the Montreal Protocol.

Hole over the Antarctic
Every winter and spring since the late 1970s, an ozone hole has formed in the stratosphere above the Antarctic continent. In recent years this hole has become both larger and deeper.
Man-made emissions of CFCs occur mainly in the northern hemisphere, with about 90% released in Europe, Russia, Japan, and North America. Gases such as CFCs that are insoluble in water and relatively unreactive are mixed throughout the lower atmosphere and rise from the lower atmosphere into the stratosphere; winds then move this air poleward.
Normally, chlorine and bromine is inactive, locked up in stable compounds, and does not destroy the ozone. However, during the Antarctic winter months (June to August) when the region receives no sunlight, the stratosphere becomes cold enough (-80°C) for high level [ice] clouds to form, called Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSCs). These PSCs provide an ideal catalytic surface on which the chlorine can react with the ozone, thus destroying the ozone layer. This reaction requires sunlight, and therefore only begins when the Sun returns to Antarctica in spring (September to October), before the PSCs have had a chance to melt. The ozone hole disappears again when the Antarctic air warms up enough during late spring and summer. During the southern hemisphere winter, Antarctica is isolated from the rest of the world by a natural circulation of wind called the polar vortex. This prevents atmospheric mixing of stratospheric ozone, thus contributing to the depletion of ozone. Although some ozone depletion occurs over the Arctic, meteorological conditions there are very different to Antarctica and so far have prevented the formation of ozone holes as large as in the southern hemisphere.

Harmful effects of ozone
The increases in UV radiation associated with ozone depletion are likely to lead to increases in the incidence and/or severity of a variety of short-term and long-term health effects, if current exposure practices are not modified by changes in behavior

The most well-known effect of UV radiation is the slight reddening or burning of the skin in sunshine. This change of colour is caused by an expansion of the skin's blood vessels. For most people burning is followed by tanning within a couple of days. A permanent tan will occur when the UV radiation causes a pigment called melanin to form in the pigment cells of the skin. Over a period of years, exposure to radiation originating from the Sun causes damages in the skin's connective tissues, so-called photo-ageing. This shows itself as a thickening of the skin, as wrinkles and decreasing elasticity. Elastine and collagen fibres determining the firmness and elasticity of the skin are damaged. UV radiation increases the risk of getting skin cancer.
Australia, with high sunshine levels, has very high skin cancer rates. An estimated 2 out of every 3 people in most parts of the country will develop some form of skin cancer.
Strong UV radiation can cause inflammation of the cornea leading to photokeratosis or "snow blindness". Symptoms of this kind of an infection include the eyes becoming reddish, a sensitivity to light, enhanced excretion of tears, the feeling of having some dirt in one's eye, and pain. The trauma appears 3-12 hours after exposure. Thanks to the quick regeneration of the eye cells, symptoms will normally disappear within a few days. A long-term exposure to UV radiation may cause permanent damage to the cornea.
Adverse effects include depressed resistance to certain tumors and infectious diseases, potential impairment of vaccination responses, and possibly increased severity of some autoimmune and allergic responses. Beneficial effects could include decreases in the severity of certain immunologic diseases/conditions such as psoriasis and nickel allergy.

Effect on environment
The increase in UV radiation over the last couple of decades could cause disastrous effects for the environment. Amphibian populations all over the world are experiencing a sharp decline, and many scientist speculate that this could be because of increased UV-B radiation, as amphibian eggs are transparent and highly susceptible. Many plants have shown a decrease in photosynthetic activity when bombarded with increased levels of UV-B radiation. Photosynthesis is a integral part of the food cycle as plants can create sugar from water and sunlight. However, loss of this ability would prove disastrous.
Phytoplanktons are the most important biomass producers in aquatic systems. When increased levels o f UV-B radiation come down, phytoplankton experience a decrease in mobility and orientation. This decrease results in reduced survival rates for phytoplankton.

Montreal protocol
The depletion of the ozone layer is one of the most prominent issues today that is truly global. As such, it required the whole world to come together to work out some sort of action to be taken. Most efforts would be useless in the long run unless everyone cooperated. When the problem first arose, governments of the world came together to decide what sort of restrictions should and could be made to work towards a solution. The first meeting, the Montreal Protocol, occurred in 1987. Since then, countries throughout the world have come together and worked individually to solve the problem.

It first met in 1987, 24 countries came together to set standards for phasing out of ozone depleting chemicals. These chemicals, which are commonly used as refrigerants and propellants, cause serious damage to the ozone layer. A schedule was set up for technologically developed countries to set regulations for the amount of CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) that could be produced each year, gradually reducing the amount each year until they had been reduced to 50% in the year 2000. For less-developed countries, they would have the same schedule but ten years later.
It quickly became evident that a faster phase-out schedule would be feasible. The Montreal Protocol met again in 1990, this time with 93 countries in attendance. Rates of allowed CFC production were drastically reduced across the schedule, and now CFCs would be completely out of production in developed nations by the year 2000.


According to swami Vivekanand “Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man.” Education is a powerful mean of self-expression and self- realization. Each individual has the potential to make progress and go ahead. He is to live in a peaceful atmosphere for the utilizing these qualities and express himself through various activities. Here, peace does not mean merely absence of war. It means peace of mind, peace in family, neighborhood, school and society.

But, recent news of class XII student stabbing class X boy has clearly shown not only lack of peace of mind in children but also added one more evil to the multiplicative list of social deformities in this modern society. Increasing number of children being involved in serious crimes like murder and attempt to murder have shaken society and forced it to have an insight into the way children are being brought up in society. Data issued by NCRB (National Crime Record Bureau) clearly shows an abrupt increase in frequency of serious crime like murder, attempt to murder, rape, abduction etc among youngsters.

Now a day, we can easily see pubescent children going around with chips on the shoulder and sneers on their faces. They have an antagonistic attitude towards everyone. Youngsters are indulged in instigating fight with peers and criticizing, arguing and finding faults with almost everything adults do. Youngsters quarrel over most trivial issues and pick up fights with their friends, criticizing whatever they do and delighting in hurting their feelings. Bullying and teasing are very common along with the formation of gangs either in school or in neighborhood. Teasing is a verbal attack on another but in bullying, the attack is physical. In both the cases, the attacker gains. satisfaction from watching the victim’s discomfort and attempt to retaliate. Children, in this, age are not afraid of consequences most of the times, they want things to be done in their way through force and intimidation.

Various factors, interlinked with each other closely, are responsible for this behaviour and up surging crime among youth. The root cause may be factors operating at home, school or in society or the combination of all. Families constitutes the child’s first environment and are the most significant people during the early formative years. Factors operating at home include changing values and morals of families, violence at home negligence of parents, in some cases encouragement from parents for violent reactions towards peers ( directly or indirectly) , rejection by parents, power and influence of parents in society, disapproval, domination, over permissiveness etc play a crucial role in arousing resentment, feeling of helplessness, selfishness, demanding nature, aggression, hostility, hatred, etc towards others especially those who are weak and small.

On the other hand in school factors like ill-feelings for others, lack of acceptance among peers, mistrust, competition, negativism, quarrelling, teasing, and bullying, egocentrism, abusing, ascendant behaviour, too much burden of studies, exams and other activities in school, teachers’ negligence and attitude towards children, school authorities, character of teachers themselves etc together may be held responsible for antisocial behaviour of students.

Other social factors may be carelessness and irresponsible behaviour shown by mass media, politics, growing competition among individuals, obsession for making quick money, increasing passion for luxuries, loop holes in judiciary, etc are responsible for a jump in the number of young criminals.

Modern student is breaking away from the traditions and restraints, which earlier generations had placidly learnt to accept. They want things to be done of their choice, through force, which in turn, lead to violent confrontations. The ocean of energy, which, youngsters possess, is utilized in anti-social and un –social behavioral patterns.

Unless we remove all differences arising out of ill feelings, mistrust, aggression, violent behaviour, and spread mutual understanding, trust, fellow feeling, friendship, love and care among youngsters, they will be dragged to unprecedented destruction. Such annihilation can be eradicated only by peace education based on universal love, liberty, equality, and fraternity. Inculcation of these values is not only the responsibility of family nor of school alone. It is the joint effort of family, school and society together as a whole. Parents, teachers, school principal and authorities, counselors, siblings and mass media jointly can sensitize the students. Teachers should set model to be emulated by students. They play a key role in equipping their students with basic human values by motivating and directing them towards loving each other. Parents too are equally responsible for implanting the love and brotherhood feeling among children.

Brain Based Learning

Neuroplasticity is ability of our brain to change and restructure itself which enables us to learn and adapt. This enables our brain to make...