Apr 2, 2009

What to eat when you are expecting

Awareness is very important in helping you create a nurturing environment for your baby. You should try your pregnancy to become mindful of your environment and the effects it has on you and your baby. So become aware of what you eat. Sometimes expecting mothers become so much concerned about their weight that they stop taking nutritious diet.

The best way to watch the extra weight is to listen to your appetite. If you listen to your appetite, you will add weight at the right rate, which is a few pounds during the first trimester and a pound per week for your remainder of the pregnancy. It was thought in nineteenth century that woman should limit their food intake so that they can limit their weight gain. People used to think that small babies are easier to deliver than the larger ones. But this lead to the low birth weight of the babies along with susceptibility to infection and delayed neurological development.

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Live Vegan -Live Longer

What we eat remains the common denominator in our overall health. We are literally the sum of what we eat. Our body is made up of the food choices we make every single day. Unfortunately, our everyday food choices actually damage our health. Nature created a few things for human
consumption and some other were not. For example -a pig which is a scavenger and crated for a reason : to clean up scrapes and bacteria on the ground. A pig which had eaten the worst imaginable things, becomes part of your lunch or dinner! It is very important for you to understand how to empower your health. The myriad health benefits of being vegan have been known for centuries and people of Asia, ancient Rome and the Mediterranean have regularly pointed to as examples of good health by being almost vegan . Most doctors and nutritionists agree that a low-fat diet high in whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, and nuts can be a boon to health.

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Helping Children with Visual Deficits

When interacting with children born with profound vision problems including blindness, the aim should be to help the children master their ability to comprehend experiences fully, even those experiences that would ordinarily be taken in through sight, as well as mastering each stage of emotional development.
If you move to the left and right of the baby while talking to her in warm and inviting tones, although you know that baby cannot see, she follows and localizes the source of the sound and may move her head in that direction. In this way the baby is constructing a “visual map,” trying to sense where things are in the space around her.
If she turns towards the sound but cannot see you, you can take her hand in your hand and put it next to your mouth so that she feels your mouth moving. She can experience the source of the sound. Similar things can be done with the smell for slightly older babies. You can simply put interesting scent like lemon juice on your fingers so that the baby can take an interest in the smell and try to locate your hand in space.
With a 15-16 month old baby who doesn’t have this spatial road map, you can do similar exercises matching the child’s motor skill. For example, you can coax her into little “Can you find me?” games by giving treats such as kisses and snacks when she finds you. In this way the baby is motivated to create a spatial road map as well as to take action.
At each stage the principle remains the same. With second stage, the baby needs to experience warmth and pleasure through touch, smell, rhythmic movement and sound. The child will be able to get a mental picture of a joyful parent beaming at her. The child may even smile back even though she cannot see the father talking to her rhythmically with a joyful smile. The daddy can take her hand to his face so that she can touch his mouth and get a kiss on her hands. In this way she will get a sense of where the pleasurable sound is coming from. .

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Everything About Managing Your Hormones and Blood Sugar

Many people experience problem in blood sugar level and hormone balance management. In order to achieve this balance, it is very important to manage your weight first. Hormones are the power house of the body, and they must work fine. If hormone level is upset your whole body's normal balance is upset. Your lifestyle and eating habits have lead to hormonal imbalance, but you can find the balance again. This requires a change in your diet as well as your exercise habits. Here are few recommendations for general health and for hormone balance:

Take three meals in a day: An average person needs 3 balanced meals in one day. If you get hungry throughout the day, eat a handful of nuts (except peanuts) around 10'o clock in the morning or 3 o' clock in the afternoon to ease hunger pangs. Nuts help in stabilizing blood sugar level, stimulate thyroid and provide valuable nutrients.Want to know more?

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Everything About Managing Your Hormones and Blood Sugar

Many people experience problem in blood sugar level and hormone balance management. In order to achieve this balance, it is very important to manage your weight first. Hormones are the power house of the body, and they must work fine. If hormone level is upset your whole body's normal balance is upset. Your lifestyle and eating habits have lead to hormonal imbalance, but you can find the balance again. This requires a change in your diet as well as your exercise habits. Here are few recommendations for general health and for hormone balance:
Take three meals in a day: An average person needs 3 balanced meals in one day. If you get hungry throughout the day, eat a handful of nuts (except peanuts) around 10'o clock in the morning or 3 o' clock in the afternoon to ease hunger pangs. Nuts help in stabilizing blood sugar level, stimulate thyroid and provide valuable nutrients.
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Helping Children with Hearing Deficits

Parents and caregivers help children with hearing challenges achieve full emotional and cognitive abilities and social interaction despite hearing loss. They basically need to help such children master other senses to reach all developmental stages.
A newborn baby who is hearing deficit uses sight and touch, unlike babies who use sounds. As a parent or caregiver, make more use of soothing touch, head nods and rhythm to convey the warmth and regulations normally conveyed when speaking. You can experiment with smell along with touch and sight for helping him learn to coordinate motor and sensory input.
Two-way communication is essential. This can be done through facial expression, different kind of touch and object exchange. Parents have to be more animated in their facial expressions. You should be more animated, more demonstrative and subtler in the way you engage the child. You need to have a ”Yes, good, go on,” and ”no no” look and the joyful ”Aha” expression very clearly on your face. Your child can also regulate his behavior the way you hold his hand gently or firmly.

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How to Deal with Constipation

It has been estimated that in the United States, over 3 million people have constipation, defined as fewer than 3 bowel movements per week. Among them, more than 2 million suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). As we eat, food is digested in the stomach and passes to small intestine, the large intestine, and then on to the rectum. When food moves to the large intestine, it absorbs water and makes the feces take on the shape and consistency that we are used to. The large intestine absorbs more water, making the stool drier and bulky thus, more difficult to pass. The movement of food through the large intestine slows. The amount of time the waste remains in the colon increases, leading to constipation. Regular bowel movements are necessary to remove waste and toxins from the body.

The cause
The major lifestyle causes of constipation are: lack of exercise, eating too much junk food, and a poor diet with inadequate fiber intake. Medication such as painkillers, antidepressants and aluminum hydroxide-containing antacids may cause constipation. Medical conditions including thyroid problems, circulatory disorders, diverticulitis, colon polyps, colon fistulas, and colonic obstruction may also be associated with constipation. Pregnancy and Vitamin B1 deficiency can also cause constipation.
The remedy
Digestive challenges can be dealt effectively with diet, natural nutritional aids, increasing water intake.

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Brain Based Learning

Neuroplasticity is ability of our brain to change and restructure itself which enables us to learn and adapt. This enables our brain to make...