Oct 2, 2015

Soy- A health food?

You might have read that soy is very good for health. You will be surprised to know that around 100 years back it was considered unfit for eating. It has been found that soy is actually very hard on our body system, especially on the hormonal system. Soybean was considered as one of the sacred grains among wheat, barley, millet and rice in China centuries ago. It was considered sacred because it was very useful in crop rotation. The roots of soybean fix atmospheric nitrogen into useful nitrogen compounds which maintain the level of nitrogen in the soil for the growth of other crops. At that time soybean was not eaten. The soybean found it useful as food only after fermentation was discovered in the form of fermented food like soy-sauce and miso. 

The soy was not consumed before fermentation was discovered because Chinese found that soybean has got many natural toxins and these toxins cannot be destroyed in conventional cooking.

Continue reading-http://www.articlefit.com/Soy--A-health-food/a8968_1

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